2017 SAE/CES Pre-Dissertation Fellowships /Call for Applications/ Deadline January 15, 2018
On October 14, 2017 by AAA Web AdminThe Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE) and the Council for European Studies (CES) jointly sponsor a pre-dissertation fellowship in anthropology for short-term doctoral research in the social/cultural anthropology of contemporary Europe.
The fellowship carries a stipend of $5,000. Funds may not be used for language courses or instruction at a European university, or to supplement a comparable or larger fellowship for research in Europe.
The deadline is January 15, 2018. Proposals will be reviewed by a committee appointed jointly by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe and the Council for European Studies. The grantee is expected to send a report to both organizations.
The application for 2018, fellowship information, eligibility requirements, and FAQ can be found on the CES awards page: https://councilforeuropeanstudies.org/grants-and-awards/sae-ces