New Books
SAE is pleased to celebrate the scholarship of our members!
Books in Europeanist anthropology published in 2023 (alphabetical by author)
Kofti, Dimitra. 2023. Broken Glass, Broken Class: Transformations of Work in Bulgaria. Berghahn Books.
Martino, Ernesto de. 2023. The End of the World: Cultural Apocalypse and Transcendence, trans. Dorothy L. Zinn. University of Chicago Press.
Matos, Patrícia Ferraz de. 2023. Anthropology, Nationalism and Colonialism: Mendes Correia and the Porto School of Anthropology. Berghahn Books.
Sarafian, Iliana. 2023. Contesting Moralities: Roma Identities, State and Kinship. Berghahn Books.
Siniscalchi, Valeria. 2023. Slow Food: The Economy and Politics of a Global Movement. Bloomsbury.
Books in Europeanist anthropology published in 2021 (alphabetical by author)
Balkenhol, Markus. 2021. Tracing Slavery: The Politics of Atlantic Memory in the Netherlands. Berghann Books.
Black, Rachel E. 2021. Cheffes de Cuisine: Women and Work in the Professional French Kitchen. University of Illinois Press.
Bryant, Rebecca and Madeline Reeves. 2021. The Everyday Lives of Sovereignty: Political Imagination Beyond the State. Cornell University Press.
Hervouet, Ronan. 2021. A Taste for Oppression: a Political Ethnography of Everyday Life in Belarus. Berghann Books.
Kościańska, Agnieszka. 2021. To See a Moose: the History of Polish Sex Education. Berghann Books.
Lie, Siv. 2021. Django Generations: Hearing Ethnorace, Citizenship, and Jazz Manouche in France. University of Chicago Press.
Marchand, Trevor. 2021. The Pursuit of Pleasurable Work: Craftwork in Twenty-First Century England. Berghann Books.
Matošević, Andrea. 2021. Almost, But Not Quite Bored in Pula: An Anthropological Study of the Tapija Phenomenon in Northwest Croatia, trans. Andrew Hodges. Berghann Books.
Murray, Michael. 2021. The Camino de Santiago: Curating the Pilgrimage as Heritage and Tourism. Berghann Books.
Racels, Andreea. 2021. Textures of Belonging: Senses, Objects, and Spaces of Romanian Roma. Berghann Books.
Sistek, Frantisek, ed. 2021. Imagining Bosnian Muslims in Central Europe: Representations, Transfers and Exchanges. Berghann Books.
Sutton, David. 2021. Bigger Fish to Fry: a Theory of Cooking as Risk, with Greek Examples. Berghann Books.
Taylor, Mary. 2021. Movement of the People: Hungarian Folk Dance, Populism, and Citizenship. Indiana University Press.
Books in Europeanist anthropology published in 2020 (alphabetical by author)
Ash, Lamorna. 2020. Dark, Salt, Clear: The Life of a Fishing Town. Bloomsbury.
Bakke, Gretchen. 2020. The Likeness: Semblance and Self in Slovene Society. University of California Press.
Bryant, Rebecca and Mete Hatay. 2020. Sovereignty Suspended: Building the So-Called State. University of Pennsylvania Press.
D’Alosia, Fulvia and Simone Ghezzi, eds. 2020. Facing the Crisis: Ethnographies of Work in Italian Industrial Capitalism. Berghann Books.
Falzon, Mark Anthony. 2020. Birds of Passage: Hunting and Conservation in Malta. Berghann Books.
Herzfeld, Michael. 2020. Ours Once More: Folklore, Ideology, and the Making of Modern Greece. Berghann Books.
Hirschkind, Charles. 2020. The Feeling of History: Islam, Romanticism, and Andalusia. University of Chicago Press.
Hsu, Elisabeth and Catherine Potter, eds. 2020. Medical Anthropology in Europe: Shaping the Field. Routledge.
Gilbert, Andrew. 2020. International Intervention and the Problem of Legitimacy: Encounters in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina. Cornell University Press.
Kozaitis, Kathryn. 2020. Indebted: An Ethnography of Despair and Resilience in Greece’s Second City. Oxford University Press.
Liston, Noelle. 2020. The Truth Society: Science, Disinformation, and Politics in Berlusconi’s Italy. Cornell University Press.
Mendes, Paulo. 2020. The Sea Commands: Community and Perception of the Environment in a Portuguese Fishing Village. Berghann Books.
Sahraoui, Nina. 2020. Borders Across Healthcare: Moral Economies of Healthcare and Migration in Europe. Berghann Books.
Testa, Alessandro. 2020. Rituality and Social (Dis)Order: The Historical Anthropology of Popular Carnival in Europe. Routledge.
Trnka, Susanna. 2020. Traversing: Embodied Lifeworlds in the Czech Republic. Cornell University Press.
Nadkarni, Maya. 2020. Remains of Socialism: Memory and the Futures of the Past in Postsocialist Hungary. Cornell University Press.
Schubert, Viola. 2020. Modernity and the Unmaking of Men. Berghann Books.
Ventsel, Aimar. 2020. Punks and Skins United: Identity, Class, and the Economics of an East German Subculture. Berghann Books.
Books in Europeanist anthropology published in 2019 (alphabetical by author)
Beckfield, Jason. 2019. Unequal Europe: Regional Integration and the Rise of European Inequality. Oxford University Press.
Bernstein, Anya. 2019. The Future of Immortality: Remaking Life and Death in Contemporary Russia. Princeton University Press. **2020 William A. Douglass Prize in Europeanist Anthropology Winner**
Berta, Péter. 2019. Materializing Difference : Consumer Culture, Politics, and Ethnicity among Romanian Roma. University of Toronto Press.
Counihan, Carole. 2019. Italian Food Activism in Urban Sardinia: Place, Taste, and Community. Oxford: Bloomsbury.
Feldman, Gregory. 2019. The Gray Zone: Sovereignty, Human Smuggling, and Undercover Police Investigation in Europe. Stanford University Press.
Firat, Bilge. 2019. Diplomacy and Lobbying during Turkey’s Europeanisation. Manchester University Press.
Grama, Emanuela. 2019. Socialist Heritage: The Politics of Past and Place in Romania. Indiana University Press.
Jung, Yuson. 2019. Balkan Blues: Consumer Politics after State Socialism. Indiana University Press.
Kalantzis, Konstantinos. 2019. Tradition in the Frame: Photography, Power, and Imagination in Sfakia, Crete. Indiana University Press.
Kleinman, Julie. 2019. Adventure Capital: Migration and the Making of an African Hub in Paris. University of California Press.
Loftsdóttir, Kristín. 2019. Crisis and Coloniality at Europe’s Margins: Creating Exotic Iceland. Routledge
Murawski, Michał. 2019. The Palace Complex: A Stalinist Skyscraper, Capitalist Warsaw, and a City Transfixed. Indiana University Press. **2020 William A. Douglass Prize in Europeanist Anthropology Honorable Mention**
Books in Europeanist anthropology published in 2018 (alphabetical by author)
Aistara, Guntra A. 2018. Organic Sovereignties: Struggles over Farming in an Age of Free Trade. University of Washington Press.
Çaǧlar, Ayşe and Nina Glick Schiller. 2018. Migrants and City-making: Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration. Duke University Press.
Demetriou, Olga Maya. 2018. Refugeehood and the Postconflict Subject: Reconsidering Minor Losses. State University of New York Press.
Dzenovska, Dace. 2018. School of Europeanness: Tolerance and Other Lessons in Political Liberalism in Latvia. Cornell University Press.
Franquesa, Jaume. 2018. Power Struggles: Dignity, Value, and the Renewable Energy Frontier in Spain. Indiana University Press.
Heywood, Paolo. 2018. After Difference: Queer Activism in Italy and Anthropological Theory. Berghahn Books.
Høyer Leivestad, Hege. 2018. Caravans: Lives on Wheels in Contemporary Europe. Bloomsbury.
Krause, Elizabeth L. 2018. Tight Knit: Global Families and the Social Life of Fast Fashion. University of Chicago Press.
Szombati, Kristóf. 2018. The Revolt of the Provinces: Anti-Gypsyism and Right-Wing Politics in Hungary. Berghahn.
Tuckett, Anna. 2018. Rules, Paper, Status: Migrants and Precarious Bureaucracy in Contemporary Italy. Stanford University Press.
Verdery, Katherine. 2018. My Life as a Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File. Duke University Press.
Books in Europeanist anthropology published in 2017 (alphabetical by author)
Babül, Elif M. 2017. Bureaucratic Intimacies: Translating Human Rights in Turkey. Stanford University Press.
Bach, Jonathan P.G. 2017. What Remains: Everyday Encounters with the Socialist Past in Germany. Columbia University Press.
Graham, Barbara. 2017. Death, Materiality and Mediation: An Ethnography of Remembrance in Ireland. Berghahn Books.
Beaman, Jean. 2017. Citizen Outsider: Children of North African Immigrants in France. University of California Press.
Ben-Yehoyada, Naor. 2017. The Mediterranean Incarnate: Region Formation Between Sicily and Tunisia since World War II. University of Chicago Press. **2018 William A. Douglass Prize in Europeanist Anthropology Honorable Mention**
Bjork, Stephanie R. 2017. Somalis Abroad: Clan and Everyday Life in Finland. University of Illinois Press.
Brković, Čarna. 2017. Managing Ambiguity: How Clientelism, Citizenship and Power Shape Personhood in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Berghahn Books.
Dalakoglou, Dimitris. 2017. The Road: An Ethnography of (Im)mobility, Space, and Cross-border Infrastructures in the Balkans. Manchester University Press.
Graham, Barbara. 2017. Death, Materiality and Mediation: An Ethnography of Remembrance in Ireland. Berghahn Books.
Guano, Emanuela. 2017. Creative Urbanity: An Italian Middle Class in the Shade of Revitalization. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Jones, Graham M. 2017. Magic’s Reason: An Anthropology of Analogy. University of Chicago Press. **Association for French Cultural Studies: Lawrence Wylie Prize in French Cultural Studies Honorable Mention**
Leite. Naomi. 2017. Unorthodox Kin: Portuguese Marranos and the Global Search for Belonging. University of California Press.
Materka, Edyta. 2017. Dystopia’s Provocateurs: Peasants, State, and Informality in the Polish-German Borderlands. Indiana University Press.
Murphy, John P. 2017. Yearning to Labor: Youth, Unemployment, and Social Destiny in Urban France. University of Nebraska Press.
Rogozen-Soltar, Mikaela H. 2017. Spain Unmoored: Migration, Conversion, and the Politics of Islam. Indiana University Press.